Lime for many purposes
We offer a wide selection of Lime products which among other things are:
- Burned lime
- Hydrated lime
- Agricultural lime
- Chalk filler
- Cement

Burned lime for sludge
Can among other things be used for sludge treatment
Make floating sludge easy to handle for delivery
Fights bacteria

Limestones for feed
Used in the poultry feeding industry
Ensure that the hen get enough lime to create egg shells, minimizing the risk of wind egg.

Chalk filler for mortar
Used for dry mortar
- including special functioning mortar
- including special functioning mortar

Soil stabilization lime
Burned lime for soil stabilization is the alternative to replacing large amounts of top soil with sand

Hydrated lime for fish farming
Hydrated lime can among other thing be used for pH-regulations in fish farming with nature basins

Agricultural lime
pH-regulations of th agriculture is critical for the soil stucture, and other nutrients availabllity